作者:管理员    发布于:2020-08-20 14:57:38    文字:【】【】【
  • BUD專項基金」

  • 目的:讓香港有商業登記、非上市和有實際運作的中小企提供發展品牌、升級轉型及拓展營銷(中國,亞洲)的資助

    E.g. 線上線下營銷、外地設立辦公室、外地招聘

  • 資格:香港登記,有實質業務運作的非上市企業,不論從事製造或服務行業,或是否已在中國內地及自貿協定經濟體有業務運作 (按照《商業登記條例》(310))

  • 金額:政府最多資助個別項目總核准開支的50%,而企業須以現金形式承擔不少於該項目總核准開支的50%,最多可申請40個項目,每個項目最多資助10萬港元,累計上限400萬港元。

  • 時間2年內完成

  • 「科技券」

    • 目的:旨在資助本地中小企使用科技服務和方案,以提高生產力或升級轉型。

      E.g. 客戶關係管理系統、企業資源管理系統、線上財務/人力資源管理系統、會計程式編寫

    • 資格-  香港登記/香港註冊成立的公/香港成立的法定機

    • 本港上市公 & 政府資助機構/任何政府資助機構的附屬公

    • 有實質業務運作的非上市企業

    • 金額:資助模式以3(政府):1(企業)配對模式,每家企業最多可申請6個項目,累計資助上限為60萬港元。

    • 時間:一年內完成

  • 「遙距營商計劃」

  • 目的:旨在針對受疫情影響的行業,透過特快批核資助企業利用創新與科技, 在疫情期間開拓遙距業務

    E.g. 設立電子設備、12項電子解決方案包括網上營銷、網上推廣、遙距文件管理等

  • 資格:香港登記,202011日前已經開業,有實質業務運作的所有私營非上市企業

  • 金額:提供全額資助以購買和採用資訊科技方案,包括與採用該資訊科技方案相關的培訓開支(上限為該科技方案的10%)。每個資訊科技方案連同相關培訓開支的資助最多10萬港元,最多申請3個項目,累計上限最多為30萬港元資助

  • 時間1年內完

  • 「零售業人力需求管理科技應用支援計劃

  • 目的:資助零售企使用相關的資訊和通訊科技及其他相關科技,以管理人力需求,從而提升員工生產力及改善工作環境

    E.g. 企業資源規劃系統、銷售時點情報系統、銷售及庫存管理系統、電子支付、零售系統及閉路電視系統

  • 資格:香港登記,有實質業務運作的非上市企業

  • 金額:最多可獲資助2個項目,累計上限最多為5萬港元

  • 時間:半年內完成

  • "BUD Special Fund":

  • Purpose: To enable Hong Kong SMEs with business registration, non-listing and actual operations to provide funding for brand development, upgrading and transformation, and marketing expansion (China, Asia).

    E.g. Online and offline marketing, setting up offices and recruiting abroad

  • Qualification: a non-listed company registered in Hong Kong with substantial business operations, regardless of whether it is engaged in manufacturing or service industries, or whether it has business operations in Mainland China or free trade agreement economies. (According to Business Registration Ordinance (Chapter 310))

  • Fund: The government subsidizes up to 50% of the total approved expenditure of an individual project, and the enterprise must bear no less than 50% of the total approved expenditure of the project. Up to 40 projects can be applied for, and each project can support up to HKD 10 thousand. The cumulative upper limit is HKD 4 million.

  • Time: completed within 2 years.


  • "Technology Voucher":

  • Purpose: To subsidize local SMEs to use technological services and solutions to increase productivity or upgrade and transform.

E.g. CRM System, ERM System, Online Finance/HR Management System, Accounting Programming

  • Qualification: - Registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration    

    Ordinance/ Incorporated and registered in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance/Established in Hong Kong by relevant ordinances as statutory bodies

  • Not a listed company in Hong Kong, and not a government subvented organization or subsidiary of any government subvented organization

  • With substantive business operation in Hong Kong

  • Fund: The funding model is a 3 (government):1 (enterprise) matching model. Each company can apply for up to 6 projects, and the cumulative funding limit is HKD 600,000.

  • Time: completed within one year


  • "Remote Business Program":

  • Purpose: Aiming at the industries affected by the epidemic, through express approval to subsidize enterprises to use innovation and technology to develop remote business during the epidemic.

E.g. Set up electronic equipment, 12 electronic solutions including online marketing, online promotion, remote document management, etc.

  • Qualification: Hong Kong registered non-listed private company with substantial business operations, have ongoing business commenced before 1/1/2020.

  • Fund: Provide full subsidy to purchase and adopt an information technology solution, including training expenses related to the adoption of the information technology solution (the upper limit is 10% of the technology solution). Each IT solution together with related training expenses can be funded at a maximum of 100K HKD, and a maximum of 3 projects can be applied for, and the cumulative ceiling is up to 300K HKD.

  • Time: completed within a year


  • "Retail Industry Manpower Demand Management Technology Application Support Program":

  • Purpose: To subsidize retail companies to use information and communication technology to manage manpower demand, thereby enhancing employee productivity and improving the working environment

E.g. Enterprise resource planning system, POS system, sales and inventory management system, electronic payment, retail system and CCTV system

  • Qualification: Hong Kong registered non-listed company with substantial business operations

  • Fund: Up to 2 projects can be funded, and the cumulative ceiling is up to HKD 50K.

  • Time: completed within half a year

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