
美國萬科憑藉多年的豐富專業經驗,不斷為客戶提供及研發有效、易用、穩定可靠的企業管理系統,成功幫助各行各業迅速發展。美國萬科不單提供專業及創新的企業管理系統,而且做到與時並進,與客戶的業務共同進步,協助企業迅速發展。美國萬科的企業管理系統專家能透徹了解不同企業的工作流程及運作模式,務求切合客戶的需要,解決現有的問題,成功提升工作效率,幫助客戶建立專業及有規模的形象。美國萬科以客戶為本,為企業管理 帶來突破,提供有效、可靠及專門的服務。

MC Fintech Solutions Ltd. established the business management solutions as the Local Innovation and we have the perfect solution and provide timely, quality service.  

MC Fintech Solutions Ltd. offers and cultivates the most effective, user-friendly and reliable business management systems to facilitate the development of all industries and sectors in the community. (Service coverage: for industries)

To enhance the efficiency of the operations, fully utilize the human resources and make time profitable, a series of solutions for Retail Management, Accounting Management, Trading Management, Wholesales Management and Financial Management are provided. 

MC Fintech Solutions Ltd. constructs the systems to serve with professional and creative ideas to enhance the competitiveness of the business. Also, MC Fintech shares the fast pace with the clients in order to satisfy the rapid transformations.

On the top of that, the system specialists get thorough understanding of the workflow and business process to build up the tailor-made systems for the clients. Thus, using the management system, our clients successfully boost its efficiency and establish a professional image to its customers.


※ 提供多樣化、先進、度身訂造科技服務及方案
※ 方便,諮詢快捷,專業團隊協助
※ 代辦申請,撰寫計劃書及預算報告,毋須處理繁複申請程序
※ 一站式提供科技顧問、方案、撰寫計劃書提交申請的服務

Unique advantages

※ Provide diversified, advanced, tailor-made technology services and programs

※ Convenient, quick advice, professional team to help

※ Applying, writing proposals and budget reports without going through the complicated application process

※ One-stop service for providing technology consultants, programs and

Writing proposals to submit applications

Copyright © 2022 版权所有:美國萬利科技有限公司 MC Fintech Solutions Ltd.
後勤地址 Address:香港九龍佐敦渡船街28號寶時商業中心12樓1202
                                                Room 1202 12/F Boss Commercial Centre, 28 Ferry Street, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong     
聯絡電話 Phone/Whatsapp:(852) 6019 1945 
電郵 Email:info@mcafintech.com